Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations UK 20021
These set the minimum requirements for the protection of workers from fire and explosion risks related to dangerous substances and potentially explosive atmospheres and require the employers to control those risks and protect their workforce.
This includes the following to be carried out and documented to establish what dangerous substances are used and associated risks in relation to ‘Hazardous areas:
If the hazard, gas or vapour, is unknown e.g. undefined vapours from a liquid then the requirements of DSEAR are clear that the source should be analysed to assess relevant gas parameters e.g Gas group, T Class, density.
Based on that information it is not unreasonable to make some assumptions2 as long as justification is given.
On Brexit, the Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 again amended the wording of DSEAR 2002.
The DSEAR assessment must be carried out by a ‘Competent’ person, either within the company or more common via a consultancy.
Whoever is carrying out the DSEAR assessment must be able to demonstrate an understanding, training or experience, of Hazardous areas and the relevant EN 60079 standards and preferably the application i.e. an understanding of the assesed business or similar.
For more information on the the DSEAR assessement please refer to Zones and Gas Groups